Workers' Compensation
Employee's Rights
Motor Vehicles
Case Results
for a fractured femur
in a motorcyle wreck
for a broken leg
for a shoulder injury
for a foot and leg injury
for soft tissue injury
involving DUI
for a shoulder injury
for a back injury
for facial scars
involving a DUI
for a back injury
for a neck injury
for a death
Workers’ Compensation
Should you get hurt while at work the Georgia Worker's Compensation Law provides you with many rights and responsibilities. Those rights and responsibilities are set out below. Over the years Atlanta attorney, Jeff Klein has helped many injured workers obtain the worker's compensation benefits that they are due for the job related injuries they have sustained. Injured workers can obtain benefits and settlements even if they were at fault for causing the injury suffered. Workers can claim compensation even for wrongful death due to a work related incident. There are workers compensation laws, but one needs a good attorney to interpret them and stake a legitimate claim and obtain a just settlement. If you, a family member or friend gets hurt at work, please call immediately, so that Jeff Klein can offer proper advice on an injury claim.
Here are some Employee's Rights:
1. If you are injured on the job, you may receive medical rehabilitation and income benefits. These benefits are provided to help you return to work. Your dependents may also receive benefits in the event that you die as a result of a job-related injury.
2. Your employer is required to post a list of at least four doctors or the name of the certified WC/MCO which provides medical care. You may choose a doctor from the list and make one change to another doctor on the list without the permission of your employer. However, in an emergency, you may get temporary medical care from any doctor until the emergency is over, then you must get treatment from a doctor who is on the posted list.
3. Your authorized doctor bills, hospital bills, rehabilitation in some cases, physical therapy, prescriptions, and necessary travel expenses will be paid if injury was caused by an accident on the job.
4. You are entitled to weekly income benefits if you have more than seven days of lost time due to an injury. Your first check should be mailed to you within 21 days after the first day you missed work. If you are out more than 21 consecutive days due to your injury, you will be paid for the first week.
5. In all other cases (non-catastrophic), you are entitled to receive two-thirds of your average weekly wage but no more than $325.00 per week for a job related injury. You will receive these weekly benefits as long as you are totally disabled but no longer than 400 weeks. If you are not working and it is determined that you have been capable of performing work with restrictions for 52 consecutive weeks or 78 aggregate weeks, your weekly income benefits will be reduced to two-thirds of your weekly average wage but no more than $216.67.
Here are some Employee's Responsibilities:
1. You should follow written rules of safety and other reasonable policies and
procedures of the employer.
2. You must report any accident immediately, but not later than 30 days after the
accident, to your employer, your employer's representative, your foreman or
immediate supervisor. Failure to do so may result in losing your benefits.
3. You must accept reasonable medical treatment and rehabilitation services when
ordered by the State Board or Workers' Compensation or the Board may suspend
your benefits.
4. No compensation shall be allowed for an injury or death due to employee's willful
5. You must notify the insurance carrier/employer of your address when you move.
You should notify your insurance carrier/employer when you are able to return to
full-time or part-time work and report the amount of your weekly earnings because
you may be entitled to some income benefits though you have returned to work.
If you have ANY questions or are looking for an accident attorney, Call Jeff Klein's office at
You can e-mail your questions!
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