After an Accident:
What to do in an Auto Accident?
What Should You do
AFTER an Accident?
How a Lawyer Can Help?
Motor Vehicles Accidents Case Results
for a fractured femur in a motorcyle wreck
for a broken leg
for a shoulder injury
for a foot and leg injury
for soft tissue injury involving DUI
for a shoulder injury
for a back injury
for facial scars involving a DUI
for a back injury
for a neck injury
for a death
Should you get hurt while at work the Georgia Workers’ Compensation Law provides you with many rights and responsibilities.
Employee’s RightsJeff Klein litigates significant cases involving catastrophic personal injury & wrongful death.
Jeff Klein currently practices in the area of personal injury and workers' compensation. He will only represent the accident victim and does not represent any insurance companies.Read About Jeff Kliein Verdicts & Settlements